生存確認 †
- indra(x86_64)
- pawn, gold, king, bishop, silver, knight, lance
- jikoku
- P17-32
死亡? †
team chess(YDL 6.1) †
- bishop, gold -> ok, sdk3.0
- pawn, king -> fail...I don't know why...
Install CellSDK †
TVE meets mapReduce †
- Environment: on jikoku (YGL 6.0), with CellSDK 3.1
- Framework: mapReduce for Cell from
- The mapReduce for Cell is compiled and tested by CellSDK 2.0, so I did followings:
cd /opt/cell/sdk
cp buildutils/make.footer .
- and all SPU programs must include spu_intrinsics.h(maybe it's new in CellSDK 3.0)
cd mapReduce/benchmarks
ls -R | grep
- and for each file displayed, adding the sentence:
#include <spu_intrinsics.h>
- whenever you type "make", you must type the following:
make CELL_TOP=/opt/cell/sdk MAP_REDUCE_TOP=/home/hlab/myamada/work/mapReduce/mapReduce
- or set these environment variables.
lmbenchmark †
Cell programming tips †
- spe_context_create(SPE_PS_MAP, NULL), then MMIO is very faster than spufs from PPU!
- I don't know how shorter can "static inline" make the time.
Cell Contest †